commit 093457c0afa24d73bfb08082246e88b08ca756ed
Author: Simon Watson <>
Date: Fri Jul 16 12:48:08 2021 -0400
Remove org mode
diff --git a/orgmode/ b/orgmode/
deleted file mode 100644
index c8fe719..0000000
--- a/orgmode/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-SPW PERSONAL -*- mode: org -*-
-#+STARTUP: indent
-* Notes
-** Interesting Things/Links/Etc
-*** Eshell stuff:
-**** Increase eshell perf:
-- Bug report to increase find perf
- #+BEGIN_SRC shell
-│geza42 • 1 pts 1month
-│Emacs has an I/O related bug, which may depend on the OS. For me, applying the hack described in this [bug
-│report]( makes `seq 1000000` (in eshell) \~3x times faster
-│(with \~1 month old master build): it runs in 2.0 sec instead of 6.2 sec.
-│In the bug report, a file is `cat`'d to the output. The difference between default emacs vs. emacs with properly
-│set variables + the hack is 18 sec vs. 0.3 sec, 60x difference.
-│By properly set variables I mean these:
-│ (setq read-process-output-max (* 1024 1024))
-│ (setq process-adaptive-read-buffering nil)
-*** Tuir - new fork of rtv
-** Projects
-*** TODO Redo in CL
-*** TODO Figure out git situation between and github/gitlab/etc
-*** TODO DO server still needed?
-*** ESP32 m5stickc projects?