commit eca6c1039b7d5defac1bf270497af55c0d17f8b3
Author: Simon Watson <>
Date: Thu Dec 29 16:30:09 2022 -0500
Alias and updates to force emacsclient when muscle memory types vim
diff --git a/bashrc/bashrc-all b/bashrc/bashrc-all
index 86b82da..e9390ac 100644
--- a/bashrc/bashrc-all
+++ b/bashrc/bashrc-all
@@ -46,12 +46,38 @@ alias tmuxq="echo $TMUX"
alias httpserver="python -m SimpleHTTPServer"
+# Include .local/bin
if ! [[ "$PATH" =~ "$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/bin:" ]]
export PATH
+# Include roswell
+if ! [[ "$PATH" =~ "$HOME/.roswell/bin" ]];
+ if [[ -d "$HOME/.roswell/bin" ]];
+ then
+ PATH="$HOME/.roswell/bin:$PATH"
+ fi
+# Stop myself from opening vim when I mean to open emacs on the term
+ if command -v emacs;
+ then
+ if [[ $(ps aux | grep -v grep | grep emacs) ]];
+ then
+ # using anemic term/color/etc as it's faster in emacs
+ TERM=tmux emacsclient -nw $1
+ else
+ vim $1
+ fi
+ fi
# HN Helper functions
# Pull up comments for number
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs-all b/emacs/.emacs-all
index 32e5af1..9b8fb29 100644
--- a/emacs/.emacs-all
+++ b/emacs/.emacs-all
@@ -426,6 +426,10 @@
(load "~/Repos/dotfiles/emacs/linux-load/customs.el")
(xterm-mouse-mode t)
+ (menu-bar-mode -1)
+ (setq vc-follow-symlinks t) ;;; Typically in the full GUI I want to know it's a symlink
+ (global-set-key (kbd "<home>") 'beginning-of-line)
+ (global-set-key (kbd "<end>") 'end-of-line)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c c c") (lambda ()
(shell-command-on-region (point) (mark) "xclip -selection clipboard")))